Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Childrens Toys in First Nations Culture

In First Nations Culture , children are held in high regard and are known to be pure and have a special place on Mother Earth, children are sacred and are respected as such. The Old People have always said that " the children are only on loan from the Creator and if we do not look after them properly and teach them right the Creator will take them away from you...".

Childrens love to play with toys and in First Nations Culture, toys were made in exact replica of the things that adults would use with intricate Craftsmanship and was often fully functional except smaller and easier to handle. The Toys made also served a purpose as a teaching tool for respecting property and how to share with others. The toys would also be a tool to teach children how to use tools properly, for example a toy cradle board would show how a baby fitted properly in the safety seat. (the toys than were teaching methods on survival) .

Boys and girls were allowed to play with each others toys untill they were told that they were too old perhaps at about age 10, at this time teachings of the Adult world would take over from the carefree days of childhood.

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