Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Moshum and the wagon hunts

In the days gone by, when I was younger about the age of ten , I would go with my Moshum to check the traps. In those days the way we travelled a lot of the time was with a wagon and horses, so my brothers and I would be asked to chase the horses into the corral and we would put the harness on them. Somehow when we mixed up the lines than that would cause trouble for everyone because the lines would tangle up and spook the horses, sometimes they would run. My Moshum used to hunt for a living and did not waste anything from his hunt. My moshum was a great trapper and hunter, my Kohkum was very skilled at cooking and could sew beautiful designs from beads on clothing and pouches. I learned that a person has to learn and do different things for survival and not to concentrate on one thing.

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